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Old Year’s Revolutions

In the year 2000 I accomplished many things:

I admitted that my name is Weetabix and, yes, I am a catalog addict. I choose the paint colors for two widely used rooms in my house and then saw through the painting of them. I found a hairdresser who I LOVE and who convinced me to loose the remaining perm and cut my hair short. I fell slack on scrapbooking over the summer.

I realized how carefully quiet it can be to be unhappy, how it creeps in and everyone around knows how unhappy you are and even when you are in tears, you don’t realize how much it has invaded your life. I cried three times in one week over my job. I changed jobs. I love my job.

I went to see Sting in concert. I stayed at a love nest for 50 year olds. I got a huge ear infection. I was told that it might be the mumps. It wasn’t.

I saw my extended family ripped apart by pettiness. I found out about rumors that were spread about something I said. I fixed the hurt feelings caused, even though I was the one who should have been told “sorry”. I saw a family member intent on causing these problems again and again. I realized that it’s not worth it and I wouldn’t put up with problems like this from friends and that family shouldn’t treat each other that way. I fixed it anyway.

I went to business school. I was bored. I went to the renaissaince fair. I was happy!

I helped my husband change his job. We increased our incomes slightly, which was very nice because I finally feel as though I can relax and that we can finally afford our house and the things I want to do to it.

I put up and maintained my personal web page. I got the hots for Russell Crowe. I still have them.

I said goodbye, by default, to one of my best friends, who moved across the country and never even told me.

I became addicted to genealogy. I started my husband’s genealogy when I ran out of outlets on my own. I went around Northeastern Wisconsin and took digital pictures of tombstones. I met a Lemerond cousin while in the graveyard.

I made an impact on housework and would say that for the majority of 2000, the house was at least 50% clean. I rarely need to go into the basement in the morning to get clean clothes.

I became a Sims addict. I became a message board addict. I earned “curmudgeon” on Hissy Fit.

I bought Xmas presents online. I bought my husband’s birthday present online. I made Xmas tree ornaments out of beads and twisted wire from an idea I heard of online.

I met a Survivor. I found my college roommate, which makes me very happy!

I became addicted to sushi and wasabi. I started drinking french vanilla cappucino mixed with hot chocolate. I gave in to my caffeine addiction.

I started thinking of myself as a tech person rather than a creative person. I won a writing competition and got money for it.

I got into a big fight in a bar. I became a karaoke diva.

I gained some weight. I stopped gaining weight. I lost some weight. It didn’t bother me as much. I don’t eat when I’m not hungry anymore. I don’t know when this started, but I noticed it this year.

I owned up to the fact that I often buy into concepts rather than ideas. I love to shop for garden stuff, but hate to garden. I like shopping for sewing projects, but I never sew. Now I shop, but don’t buy.

I began to feed the birds.

I golfed a lot and bought a cute golf visor and pink putter. I bought a white golfing shirt. I got stung on the hand by a fucking hornet in mid swing on tee 4. It hurt like hell. My hand swelled up for a week. That was the most pain I felt all year. I am thankful, because of all of the things I could have done, this was not that bad.

I love my husband more each year.

I rediscovered the library. I lost a library book.

The big thing I learned in 2000 was I realized that I like to do things that aren’t work-related or house-related. I like to scrapbook, play computer games, take pictures, read, paint pictures, and make things. It makes me happy. I need to make more room for these things in 2001 and future.

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