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Monthly Archives: August 2001

Chirp Tweet Quack Quack

I want to move. Does anyone want to buy a slightly older home in a semi-remodeled state? But I have to warn you, I live in a tweeting neighborhood. Yep. You read that right. Everything in my neighborhood tweets. First of all, a little background. We are somewhat an anomaly in our neighborhood, as everyone […]

More tales of woe

Today, I have actual track marks from my multiple blood-lettings yesterday. I feel so bad. I feel like I should be wearing a leather halter top and too much eyeliner. Or not. I believe that the ghost of Chris Farley is exposing himself to women in cemeteries around our area. It’s possible. The late comedian […]

Life’s Downers Great and Small

Well, I’ve got a lot to catch up on. Yesterday’s entry got flumoxed (see how I’ve been working that word “flumox” into two diary entries in a row? I’m certain that this is a record of some sort… I’m not even certain that it’s a word, actually.) when Esteban accidentally turned off the power to […]

Delights of the Farmer’s Market

Drumroll please……. {oh, just pretend that there’s a drumroll and make a woman happy, would ya?) …………. Esteban and I…………. WENT TO THE FARMER’S MARKET!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You know how I’ve been starting out all of my weekend entries with how my plans to get to the farmer’s market got flumoxed […]

Touchdown Daddy Fantasies

I think I have pink eye again. Wash your hands well after reading this diary. As I was working the four ten-hour shift thing this week, I’ve got tomorrow off. Sweet! I’m so very excited to do absolutely nothing. Oh, wait, not true. I must do the singing lesson thing. Wooohoo! Not singing actual words […]

A pledge drive of sorts

Dear Readers, I’ve decided, in honor of PBS pledge week, to dedicate today’s entry to a plea. I’m getting a little worried about the state of Diaryland. Andrew has been shouldering the cost of servers and whatnot all on his lonesome for some time now. He instituted the Gold Membership to help defray some of […]

People magazine and the National Enquirer are NOT a good summer reading list

First an FYI: pictures have been added to the two Gencon entries. here and here. Big Brother 2 has me completely in its thrall. God help me, I actually find Will charming, despite his evil tendencies. In the beginning, I thought Hardy was a doll, but now I’m finding myself rooting for Kent, as he […]

Eye Snot, Ewe Snot

Here’s one of those “deep thoughts” kind of diary entries that are such the rage at DLand: My eyes keep getting eye boogers because of my allergies or pink eye or something. It wouldn’t really bother me, except for the fact that I’ll be sitting here, blinking like normal and then all of the sudden […]

The one with all the hygiene

Some other random thoughts on my GenCon experience: At one point, Joel and Esteban competed in an event called The Dorkathalon. While I’m somewhat embarrassed that my husband competed in The Dorkathalon, I’m pleased to note that he didn’t do very well in it. One would think that success at a Dorkathalon would denote the […]

Never remove a man from your list…… never.

Just so you know, I’m not done writing this… what’s here will stay, but I haven’t finished this entry, and I’m taking a break because my freaking hands are tired… (god, I’m windy sometimes) Wow. What a weekend. At first I thought I had met a man on my list, but then I realized that […]

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