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Please love me forever, Bobby Vinton!

I have a confession to make.

I beg of you that you will not think any less of me once you learn of my shocking past.

Remember’I’m just the same Weetabix I’ve always been’. Even with my sordid history.

Please keep that in mind and together, we may be able to overcome my shocking secret:

When I was five years old, I was in love with Bobby Vinton, the Polish Prince of Music.

It’s true. It’s absolutely true. I had repressed that memory, but the other night, it came rushing back as I watched a commercial for Bobby Vinton’s Greatest Hits. Some girls were in love with Elvis, some plebes wanted Shaun Cassidy’. Me, I was Bobby’s Girl. When commercials would come on for Bobby’s records, I’d get a flush that would match my cherry Kool-Aid mustache. His white satin shirts and white-boy Afro made my little preschool heart flutter. He put my first love, Mister Rogers, to shame.

Anyway, it’s out. You know. I can continue on in my life openhearted and without shame.

I’m not going to admit, however, that I felt a slight tinge of longing when he sang ‘Blue Velvet’ on the commercial. I did, however, notice that he looks a lot like Peter MacNicol who plays John Cage on ‘Alley MacBeal’.

Does anyone pretend that they’re hosting a cooking show on Food TV when they’re cooking?

Just me then?

Last night I made the most wonderful beef stew. I actually browned the meat and then deglaced the pan. It was a very Martha Stewart moment. Esteban, however, declared that it smelled better than it tasted, as I had put peas in it and he detests them.

Esteban’s ass still hurts. He has a pain in his ass. That makes me laugh. No, not the fact that he’s in pain, just saying ‘He’s got a pain in the ass’.

Oh my lord, I’m rereading the Harry Potter series and I’m more than half way through the fourth book.

Just what am I supposed to do when it ends? Hmmm? What, I ask?

Might I just go slightly off diary banter for just a moment: how much money do you want to bet that Harry is related to Voldemort somehow and that’s why Voldemort needed to kill him and his father. I’d give slightly better odds to the likelihood that Ron and Hermione will hook up. I also think that Dumbledore is not entirely innocent. I’ll also be willing to bet that Ron will come to an untimely death. I think I’m channeling Professor Trelawney, though.

Seriously, if you haven’t looked into reading the Harry Potter books, check them out. The first book is a bit simple, but tough it out because later ones are some fabulous and intricate storytelling. And while I may be a former Bobby Vinton devotee, I am a certified book snob and I don’t suffer foolish writing for very long.

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