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Monthly Archives: November 2001

St. Louis, Giverny, McDonald’s, and now my eyebrows

I want to grow my hair longer’ so I got it cut last week. This is girl logic for you right there, isn’t it? I never want to be mistaken for a man again. I mean, apparently I make one heck of a pretty guy, completely with 46DD gynecomastia and all that, but a dude […]

Kiss me before I say something stupid….

Oh man. Sometimes I really stick my foot in my mouth. Things that sound so much better in my head pop right out of my mouth (or sometimes, through my fingers into the keyboard) before I can stop myself. Today I really embarrassed myself. I normally say a lot of off the wall things to […]

The one with several references to men’s underwear

Last night, Esteban and I slept on opposite sides of the bed and now I’m all out of sorts. You see, we have this strange sleep ritual. I generally go to bed earlier than Esteban. I’m a hot person and for reasons known only to Esteban and the Lord Almighty Himself, the heater for the […]

This diary could use some little cute sayings painted on rough wood,

maybe a snowman too I’ve spent the day with Mafia Grandma again, trying with all my strength to NOT make snarky comments about the fact that my immediate relations are not invited to Thanksgiving this year. We went to two craft shows. One was at a high school and had I been by myself I […]

I just love the smell of vomit in the morning….

Last night, I got home and found that Esteban would not be home until after I was in bed. I proceeded to make a turkey breast for the next day’s dinner, as it takes something like three hours to cook and we generally prefer to eat earlier than 9:00 pm. Then I lit my scented […]

Give yourself a big hand!

Today we got our new phone books! WOOOOHOOOO!!!! I don’t know about you, but since I’ve been an adult, New Phone Book Day rates third next to Birthweek and Martin Luther King Day. I love Martin Luther King Day not only because it’s a great thing civically to recognize Dr. King for his contribution to […]

Daily recommended dose of Caffeine and Nutrasweet

For some reason, when I’m feeling especially exuberant, as I was yesterday, I get this healthy vibe going on and eschew my normal Diet Cokes and bagels. I think channel my hippy mother, circa 1984 or something. If I take a rototiller to our large side yard and plant okra and echinacea, you have my […]

I am thankful for my new shoe laces!

If you haven’t already, you might want to stop by Eloi’s page and wish him a Happy Belated Birthday. He’s such a cool dude and I think it would make him very happy. Plus, I feel like a loser because I meant to send him an email on Saturday and I totally forgot. Sorry, Eloi! […]

Pa! Weetabix’s in the Lambrusco again!

The older I get, the more obsessed with cheese I become. No. Not the cheese that made the state of Wisconsin great. Fromage, baby. I should hate Enya…. but I don’t. I find it oddly soothing. I anticipate that eventually, I’ll start to crave Spam and Velveeta sammiches. With ketchup, if you please, on Wonder […]

It’s a wonder he still stays married to me

8:32 pm Weetabix: I’m not liking my stomach today. Esteban: Don’t be ridiculous. I love your stomach. Weetabix: You’re not even looking at me when you say it… you’re looking off in the distance. Esteban: That’s because my eyes are sore from staring at a computer screen all day. You’re just all blurry and grey. […]

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