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Monthly Archives: December 2007

Old Year’s Revolutions 2007

It’s the annual New Year’s Eve video! The amateurish nature is a stylistic choice to maintain my street cred. Or something. You’ll never know. But I get away with it because my friends are all fucking gorgeous. Damn. Seriously, damn. PS. At least five of these pictures were not taken by me but are rather […]

So fucked up Holidailies, it’s not funny

So, I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned this or not, but I have had arthritis ever since I was a wee child and most of the time, it’s just in my knees and every now and then, in my shoulder (the one that got dislocated… jeez, I’m a fucking wreck), but recently, it’s been […]


This year, we’ve been working on turning the dining room into a den. We ripped out the carpeting and Esteban painted it (four coats, he has not let me forget) while I was on a trip (which gave the sloppy edges an extra level of bitter) and then we had new carpeting put in. We […]

Rapid Fire Challenge

Some really quick bites: *If you didn’t already know about an incredible positive body image site called Big Fat Deal, it’s time you got your fine ass over there and checked it out. Cool thing: a screen shot of the site was just featured on some morning show on CBS. Weird thing: it was about […]

Can I clean your windshield for you, miss?

So far this week, I made soup, got sick and also, had a crazy meeting, and have threatened to go into hiding, perhaps in the Yukon. Which I’m not sure if I know where that is but it sounds really good. Alaska, right? I hope so. I finished my story for class and also, can’t […]

A very snowy night and a Major Award

I would like to have just one day. Just one day (!) where I do not have to thump on someone’s parade at work. Seriously, today it was a conference call for what was my big hairy project for 2006 that is now thisclose to being finished (and has been handed off to my replacement […]

Why my life is stressed, volume 4032

I’m supposed to be working on a short story but realized that already it is December 2 and already I am behind on Holidailies. There is shame. Shame and also a very delicious bit of cake on the desk beside me as I work. The cake wins. This should be no surprise. Cake always wins […]

Why my life is stressed, volume 4032

I’m supposed to be working on a short story but realized that already it is December 2 and already I am behind on Holidailies. There is shame. Shame and also a very delicious bit of cake on the desk beside me as I work. The cake wins. This should be no surprise. Cake always wins […]

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