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Monthly Archives: May 2008

Stream of consciousness writing in the open box

This entire entry is all thanks to the fact that I am totally procrastinating working on a freelance project. Actually, that’s not entirely true, as I’ve been working on it for like, six hours straight, and now? My head is about to explode with the Orthopaedic stuff. I’ve got scary words floating around in my […]

The final chapter of the quest for the Master’s Degree

Picking this up from last post: The stupid elevator went down to the basement and then, after I said “You’ve got to be fucking KIDDING ME!” under my breath but totally out loud, it stopped to pick up more people on the ground floor, at which point I was ready to punch someone if they […]

This is why I hate being late

Late on Monday night, Esteban noticed that I must have been freaking out much more than usual, because I was being extraordinarily helpful with his packing. Like, I cleaned out my entire car, just on the off-chance that the GPS unit was in there, and made several codependent queries upon the quantities of clean laundry […]

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