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Chick Flicks

Chick flicks–The Scourge of the Entertainment Industry!!!

Having said that, I must admit that I enjoyed “Message in a Bottle” very much. I think, however, that the Robin Wright character was a big asshole and she deserved to have her heart broken, and maybe even her neck so that she would stop the weird head-bobbing thing that apparently she thought looked enticing.

But all in all, chick flicks are the most sappy and shallow forms of entertainment around, including Soap Operas. Take “My Best Friend’s Wedding”. What was the point of that whole movie? We were supposed to be rooting for Julia Roberts, right? Even though she was the very epitome of what we as women should be ashamed of? Lying? Of course! Backstabbing? Sure! And how about the subtle manipulation of her supposed best friend? Why not! Poor Kimmy (Cameron Diaz) to have such a barracuda for her husband’s best friend. I would not doubt that in the future, she would try to lure Stupid Dumb Guy into her bed once again. Why did Rupert have to be gay? (This has nothing to do with the movie, of course, but just a general lament. Rupert Everett is quite possibly the world’s most perfect man.)

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