Just a quick entry because of some weirdness on this page recently.
I updated yesterday. For about two hours. Then I deleted it. The folks on the notify list know the scoop and got to see the deleted entry. Just another reason to be on the notify list, y’all. It’s a whole world you don’t even know. I’m just saying.
Right now, I’d make a link for you to join the notify list and stuff, but I’m afraid that I’ll break it. Just head on down to the bottom of the page and click on the “I’m a Tard” link. Or wait until you’re done reading and you’ll already be right there. It’s magic how that works.
In other news, in case you were wondering, the nail color of choice today is Kinky In Helsinki. It’s kind of weird purpley electric neony fruit punchy kind of color. With a great name. Because if you can’t be Kinky in Helsinki, I defy you to be kinky anyplace else in the world.
Next color: Bogota Blackberry. Not as fun of a name, but tres pretty. Unless I end up with Oh My God Red for Valentine’s Day, which is very possible. We’ll see. You’ll be the first to know.
Watched the Ya-Ya thingy (or dinga, as Mopie’s grandma would say). Ticked me off because it was poor storytelling. So many loose ends, so many unexplained things. I’m certain that the book is better and more complex but the movie fell flat for me. Except for the Irish Guy. He was just yum. Especially in that v-neck baby blue sweater he was wearing at one point. Like if you took Russell Crowe and made him Irish. Grrrrowl.
Hello folks at Fractious Times. Every time I see that website, I want to call it Frabjus Times, and then go caloo callay and chortle in my joy. I’m so broken in my head. Man.
Oh, and since I’m giving shout outs, I’ve been asked to be a Beermate. I’m all beside myself with glee. You have no idea. It makes me giddy. Giddy with the prospect of beer and monkeys. And big scary plush donkeys with big dongs. Or dingas.
Man, the Google hits I’m going to get.*
So the other thing (dinga) that I have to mention is that I know that you guys love to read about the Bad Bar episodes…. but now you can experience the debauchery of the Bad Bar in the comfort of your VERY OWN HOME. You see, I signed up for Swappingtons awhile back and listed a book that was really horrible (it’s still there, if you want it, by the way. Take that book. Please. Take it.) and, of course, no one wanted it. I mean, it’s a horrible book, I don’t blame anyone. And then a certain Swappington’s pimp daddy told me about all of the DVD goodness he’s gotten from it and how very happy it has made him and how good for the environment that people aren’t sitting around throwing “Dude Where’s My Car” dvds into the landfill. So I was like, hmmmm…. and then I remembered that when I did the Card Exchange back around Christmas, I gave two lucky random folks a CD of songs from the Bad Bar. And there were many disappointed people on the card exchange because hey, they wanted some of that hip hip wiggleness for their very own. And some of my friends had Bad Bar CDs that I had burned for them and they were getting stolen by other friends (we have low class friends) because they were highly coveted. And anyway… now you can trade me for a Weetamix CD. I had four up… and one is gone already, so if you’re interested… check out the Swappingtons by searching on “Weetamix”. I’ve listed the mix by color because I know that you, like me, care very much for your accessories.
Oh, and if you sign up and list WEETABIX as your referral AND you trade for a Weetamix, I’ll also send you a complimentary Weetadoh or some other interesting bit of Weetabix stuff in gratitude. Because, points, baby… points. Yeah, I know it’s like Canadian communism or something, but I’m finally caving into the pimpage.
So. Swappingtons. It’s a good thing.
Proof that I am incredibly old: There’s a commercial right now for a VW and they’ve got “Forever Young” by Alphaville playing in it and everytime I hear the song, my head whips around and I must stare transfixed at the television. And then feel really old because I actually BROKE my copy of that cassette in 1990. From over play. BROKE IT. And it had the extended version on it too. Sniffle. I think a piece of me died that day. And now it’s in a damn Volkswagon commercial. Hi…have we met? My name is Weetabix and I’m now a stereotype.
What else? OH! I still haven’t sized those dog pictures that I so painstakingly took. And I’m beginning to forget what I wanted to tell you about them anyway. But I’ll try to recover it. If my job doesn’t kill me this week.
One more thing: I just found out today that I have Monday off. Why? Presidents Day. Betcha don’t have that in Canada.
Now go. Sign up for Swappingtons. And go visit 12% Beer. And help an old lady cross the street… because that’s just good for your karma.
*I actually mostly removed this site from Google, so I almost never get Google hits for anything. But if I did, you know that this entry right here would be one porntastic dinga.