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In the field

Quick update from Journalcon

It is hot like the surface of the sun here. And also raining. It’s like a tropical rainforest, except instead of trees, there are ugly government buildings. I’ve been forced to make several wardrobe changes throughout the day, just to keep from wilting.

Ok, I came planning to make wardrobe changes, but don’t judge.

I just blushed my way through my panel, which seemed to be a success but we had the charming and effervescent Mopie to lead us and also, we plied our audience with mimosas and Reese’s peanut butter cups (two great tastes that taste great together). I’m trying to take lots of pictures, but most of the time, I’m too busy getting unflattering pictures taken of myself. Last night, my suite was inhabited by twenty plus journalers (oh my, that’s like, one fifth of the Con) at different points in the evening, doing dramatic poetry reinactments and playing with my skinned muppet (that sounds dirty). Also, watching Chiara’s belly undulate, which was strangely fascinating. I highly recommend it, in fact. It’s very Lord of the Dance except hot and sexy and not freakish nor involving Michael Flattley. In other news, the White House? It’s over there. Which I’ll explain in another entry, but trust me… it’s hysterical.

Apparently, you can watch a webcam somewhere off the website and you may see someone you know. Or me with a shiny complexion. And I think I’ve promised to have sex with Chiara, but we’ll have to see.

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