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Monthly Archives: December 2004

Oh my darling

Tuesday was the last day for my riffed coworkers, but since I had school, I sort of walked out at noon like it was any other Tuesday, and thus missed the teary goodbyes and all of that awkward stumbling over words. Like, do you hug someone you’ve seen almost every day for the last three […]

Turtle heads

Ok, this diary is doing weird things to my mind. In my response paper, I wrote Frankenstein showcases the fight of good vs. evil. But who is exactly evil, the intelligent but immoral Dr. Frankenstein or the hideous monster who has been scorned by society for his looks (much like Shelley’s countryman John Merrick would […]

This entry doesn’t know anything about any hookers, you must be

misinformed There was a really long melodramatic maudlin entry here but I deleted it because even though I was trying really hard to refrain from being all “poor me” and “fie on the people who done me wrong” and how I didn’t (in a quote directly from the entry) “want to be the poster child […]


I try not to talk about this too much and am fond of making grand jokes about it, but the truth of the matter is that I had kind of a shitty childhood. There are things I’ve never told anyone, not even Esteban. Once without thinking, I mentioned something relatively minor in passing to my […]

Neighbors in Low Places

I did the classic fifteen-minute $70 groceries dash last night (including a rotisserie chicken, which I nabbed as soon as I walked in the door, thank you very much) and then planned to replicate the very awesome lunchtime carrots from our favorite little Japanese restaurant on Broadway, as I am fighting back the sniffles and […]

Rhinophyma Reindeer

I know that every year I bemoan my lack of holiday spirit, but seriously, I am sort of looking at Christmas like it’s a guy I knew from high school and I’m desperately hoping that he’s not going to come over here’oh shit, he’s totally coming over here’ Heeeeeeey! How are you? What have you […]

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