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A pledge drive of sorts

Dear Readers,

I’ve decided, in honor of PBS pledge week, to dedicate today’s entry to a plea.

I’m getting a little worried about the state of Diaryland.

Andrew has been shouldering the cost of servers and whatnot all on his lonesome for some time now. He instituted the Gold Membership to help defray some of those costs. I signed up for a year and I have to tell you, I’ve have totally gotten my $30 worth already, and I’ve still got ten months on my subscription. It’s a complete bargain.

Yesterday, Andrew actually added a “sale” of sorts which would allow non-Gold members to purchase 20,000 banner ads. Then he mentioned that he had set up a place that you could donate money to Diaryland if you wanted to.

I’m thinking that it must be getting pretty harsh for him to continue footing the bill for the server and such. I’m thinking that if he actually mentioned that people could make donations, that it must be getting a lot for him to bear on his own. Andrew is way too cool to go scoping for money for any other reason.

So I’m getting a little concerned. There’s been a lot of free sites folding due to expenses. My day is often made brighter by the likes of Unclebob, Not-A-Finger, and the like. I LOVE hearing from my readers. I love the “friendships” I’ve made online with you. If Diaryland went away, we wouldn’t have this forum. I know that I personally would not have the tenacity to update in straight html like other online journalers.

So here’s my plea: if you enjoy Diaryland, help Andrew out. Either buy a Gold Membership, a few extra banners, or donate $5 or $10 to Diaryland.

And if you feel a little bummed that today’s entry was such a gyp, think about how much it would suck if there was no Diaryland at all.


Lots of love,


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