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“Broken Toilet Seats” for $200, Alex

Mood: relaxed for being at work

Listening to: some 60’s remake thing

Wearing: 70’s retro shirt, black pants, yada yada…

Esteban broke our toilet seat. This is depressing. It was fairly new, less than three months old. He said he was (I warn you, not a pleasant image coming up so you might just want to skip to the next paragraph)……. bending over to wipe his ass and it, pardon the pun, cracked.

So now when I use the facilities, it pinches my hiney. Which is depressing, not to mention painful. I have assigned him the task of getting a new seat today, so hopefully the bottom will be unbesmirched in the future. I have yet to understand how he possibly broke the damn seat, though. It’s not like he let it drop or something.

I am becoming strangely addicting to IRC chatting. Plus, my desire to go to Ireland is tenfold.

Esteban’s mom said that she has given up on the idea of getting grandchildren. That makes me very sad. Sad for her and sad for me. But I’m not sure I’m ready to be a parent right now but someday I will be, and I doubt that Esteban will ever be ready. It’s not me that’s preventing this.

Chelsea was almost 8 pounds when Esteban took her in. I’m not sure if this is a hopeful sign or not.

My Dream Jeopardy categories:

John Irving novels

Movies from the 80’s


Psychological Theorists

Being a Plus Size woman

Internet web sites

Reasons why Sting and I belong together

My gross out of the day:

Tonight’s agenda: first volleyball match of the season. Woohoo! Sadly, I already have my outfit figured out (big grey tee-shirt, white shorts, white socks, old tennis shoes)… I need to get a life.

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