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Bloom County Bimbo Society

So after weeks of bemoaning my need for a banner ad for Diaryland, I finally created it.

Lucky for me that my niece Abigail is some completely cute. That’s her posing for the ad. She does not, in fact, have lobsters down her pants. That was my idea of “clever”.

I sat there and hit refresh on diaryland’s member site for no less than sixty times, waiting for my ad to pop up.

Esteban snarked “as long as we’re getting our money’s worth out of our broadband.”

“Is that a snotty comment?” I asked.

“What do you think. You’re being a dork.”


I am a dork.

But now I’m a dork with a banner ad.


Just forget what I said this morning about Esteban being so sweet and caring.

I lied.


I went home sick this afternoon. Actually, just missed the last two hours of work. I felt really clamy and sweaty and pukey and dizzy, like I had just done 4 times on the Gravitron at a bad county fair after eating two foot long corndogs and deep-fried cheese curds. I have had huge guilt about it but two of my coworkers declared that I had to leave because I looked like I was going to urp at any moment.

Really, I wish that I knew how I had looked. That would be a handy face to make at stressful times.

“Hey, there’s an angry client that I’m transferring over to you, Weetabix, because she said that you’re the only one here qualified to fix her problem… hey, you don’t look so good. Are you feeling ok?”


The thing that sucks about my copywriting endeavors is that it can sometimes be months after deadline before I get paid. Not really complaining, but… Ok. I am complaining.

If you pity me, I accept all forms of cash or checks. Even Paypal.


“Get Fuzzy” has a book out now. I am happy.

I really miss the cartoonists of the 80’s. Bloom County was clever and well-written. Sometimes several jokes in ONE strip. Opus, Cutter John, Steve Dallas, Lola Granola, Milo, Binkley, Alphie Mushpie, and Hodge Podge the rabbit. I never really found Bill the Cat as humorous as most of America. But the 80’s were a cocaine decade, so I suppose that might explain some things.

I’m willing to bet that Berkeley Breathed rolled some sweet joint during the making of that comic strip. The whole dandelion patch was a thinly-veiled metaphor for marijuana. Something the MAN was trying to keep away from the people. Harmless but really made you feel good. Sometimes made you take off your clothes and just lie around.

Breathed, I’m on to you, man.


Plus, I think I really liked the idea that Bimbos are funny. Because they are.


I use the word “they” like I’m not a bimbo.

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