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Smells like Teen Sushi

Sushi rocks.

Sushi rocks my world.

I love the little tray that my tuna rolls come on.

I love how you take too much wasabi and your nose starts to burn and then the top of your head blows off and you can’t breath and then it’s all done and you’re ready to eat some more.

I love eating with chopsticks. It’s very dainty.

Sushi is fashion model food. You get this little airline food sized tray with these little pretty parcels of dark green seaweed, pristine white rice and lovely coral-coloured tuna. And the wasabi is such a lovely retro-green color… almost chartreuse. And I can only eat six pieces before I’m wiped out full. It does wonders to my ego to have this little plate of little food and then say “Oooh, I’m full!” and leave half of it sitting there.


While we were in Florida, we walked across one of the Key Islands late one night in search of the best sushi in the Keys. I mean, really, it’s just three ingrediants, how can any one place claim to have the best sushi? It’s like saying you have the best butter in town. Or ketchup. But actually, they were the tastiest sushi I’ve ever had. Must have been the freshness. We don’t exactly have tuna jumping into the fishing boats in the Great Lakes region.

And I got to try Uni, which is sea urchin. I paid $6 for two pieces of Uni sushi and discovered that sea urchin is best left in the ocean. Nothing ugly tastes good, except kiwi. Oh, and maybe cows. Cows taste good, too. Also vanilla beans taste good in things. Oh… also lobsters. And artichokes.

Hmmm. Ok, never mind the ugly thing, the moral of the story is “Don’t bother with eating sea urchins. They don’t taste good.”


I’m always the lunch time entertainment in our office whenever I do the sushi thing. I should really ink up a sign which says “Yes. It’s Sushi. It’s raw. The pink part in the middle is raw fish. The green stuff is seaweed. It does taste good. Now move along please.”

There is one person in our office who always has to scope out my meal, but on Sushi Day, clear her calendar, man, because she’s got to watch Weetabix actually embibe the raw fish. Every single bite of sushi that goes into my mouth. Her eyes follow it from the tray to my mouth and then she watches me chew. I should charge admission. Welcome to Green Bay, folks, where it’s quite a fascination to see such exotic acts as Sushi Eatin’.

Some day I think I’ll utter, “Wow, it really DOES taste like vagina.”


I must find out how Unclebob makes those little separators in his diary. I get tired of asterisking all the time.

A side note: when I’m talking people through tech stuff over the phone, if I ask them to run a wild card search using an asterisk, there’s often a little silence which tells me that I must then say “That’s the star over the eight key on the keyboard”.

I kid you not.

And don’t even get me started on tilde.

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