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Lazy days and Sundays always make me sleepy

Yesterday, I was a complete waste of oxygen. I did absolutely nothing. No, I take that back’. I read the newspaper. Whew. Hard work.

I woke up and screwed around online while wearing pajamas. Then Esteban had plans for most of the day, so he left at noon. ‘Two Fat Ladies’ cooking show came on and of course I must watch that, so what better place to watch that than in bed. Back to bed I went and was soon lulled by the melodic accents of Jennifer and Clarissa. I really miss them. FoodTV used to play them twice a day and it was our little nightly ritual to lie in bed and watch them make many strange dishes, filled with meat and cream. Actually, I had begun watching them after coming back from England, I think because I missed the softer accents. Esteban, of course, loves the idea of the many strange meats that they use. His favorite is a venison pie and a pork stuffed tureen. Jennifer (rest in peace, dear one) looks very much like my Mafia Grandmother. But with Jennifer’s passing, FoodTV filled their timeslot with an over abundance of Emeril. God. I think they film everything that man does. ‘I need to take a poo’.. BAM!’ He is as ever present as that nun who lives on Channel 11. I think that nun might be an animatronic robots like they have at Epcot center or the ‘Hall of Presidents’. Maybe she’s a wax figure. I don’t know, but she gives me the heebies. Sister Mary of the Living Dead Confessionalists.

So I watched Jennifer and Clarissa. It was the rare ‘Fruits and Vegetables’ episode. Clarissa taught me how to prepare artichokes. I did it once and decided it was far too much work for something that only tastes good doused in melted butter, but I’m glad that she showed me how to do it. I think I’d eat eel liver if Clarissa prepared it.

Then I took a very lovely nap. Because, you see, I had become entirely worn out from the all the energy that had been expended in the two and a half hours that I had been awake. Like I said, a complete waste of oxygen.

I napped for about 90 minutes, then made myself get up. I could have really slept for another two hours, but I knew that I’d screw the entire day that way and then not be able to get to sleep that night. So I actually got dressed and had a hankering for some Moo Shu Chicken. Mmmmmm, luscious Moo Shu’..! I originally intended to drive out to the strawberry fields to see if they were still picking strawberries, since I had overslept and missed the farmer’s market on Saturday, but ended up just driving across town to the only good Chinese restaurant in town, ordering my Moo Shu and steamed dumplings, and then drove back home. There I gorged myself and ate the ENTIRE order of Moo Shu, and two steamed dumplings. Wow. I guess I was starving. I’m not entirely sure if this was a healthy thing or not. Whenever I eat Moo Shu, it’s got so much cabbage and veggies, I feel like a cow, grazing on long grasses. I forego the little pancakes, and I don’t think that steamed dumplings are that bad for you. And I ate nothing else yesterday, unless you count the three truffles during the Buffy rerun at 7:00.

In general, Sundays are a big wasted day. I always end up screwing around all day. 1/7th of my life is a big lounge-around-the-house day because Esteban does his guy-thang every Sunday. And I shouldn’t blame him. It’s not his fault. But because I have no one saying ‘Come on! Let’s do something!’ I’m satisfied with being a lazy hedonist.

Today, Esteban and I had to switch cars. He needed to take his elderly grandmother to a doctor appointment very very early this morning and she has a hard time getting her 4 foot 10 self into his truck. Much easier for her to fall down into the Monte than try to hoist each cheek up onto the truck’s seat. Thus, I am a truck drivin’ mama today. Feel free to sing the song ‘Convoy’ as an homage’ to my pain. There’s no stereo commands on the steering wheel, no cup holder for my diet Coke, and the free floating testosterone has caused my eyebrows to need plucking. I know’. I’m a spoiled whiner. Before I had the Monte, I used to beg to drive the truck, simply because it had air conditioning and cruise control. It’s all relative, baby.

Oh, it’s Amandabean’s birthday. Go visit her please and tell her how awesome she is.

Also, I need to find someone who has an ‘in’ with the Dave Matthews Band. I’m trying to get them to stop by this chicky’s birthday party. So let’s do the six degrees of separation thang and make someone very happy.

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