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Monthly Archives: July 2001

You mean, if my friends buy 1.4 billion dollars of stuff, I’ll get a free colander?

Once upon a time, I was a home party maniac. Mary Kaye ‘ 1 partyCreative Memories (which is for scrapbooking, in case you’re wondering) ‘ 1 party Tupperware- 4 parties.Tastefully simple (‘gourmet’ food and mixes) ‘ 1 partyPampered Chef- the mother of all parties. And for each and every one of these parties I threw, […]

Charo and the horny little bitch

My mom’s dog Nana went slumming. That’s right, little miss Purebred Chocolate Lab (who looked more like a ‘Coon Dog to me, actually, but I never really had the heart to tell my mother this, who was very proud about saying in a psuedo-snobby voice ‘She’s a chocolate lab’ as if the dog were some […]

The Quest for Poop

I’m working four ten-hour shifts this week and today is my day off. Yeah, it sucks that it’s in the middle of the week, but we take turns taking off on Friday, and for some reason, we’re not supposed to take Monday off, thus I took today off. I had planned on going to the […]

Lazy days and Sundays always make me sleepy

Yesterday, I was a complete waste of oxygen. I did absolutely nothing. No, I take that back’. I read the newspaper. Whew. Hard work. I woke up and screwed around online while wearing pajamas. Then Esteban had plans for most of the day, so he left at noon. ‘Two Fat Ladies’ cooking show came on […]

Will taking amoxicillin get rid of my clematis?

Yesterday, I was bored, bored, bored. Esteban and I decided to go to Appleton as they are apparently the only city civilized enough to have a Barnes and Noble within 80 miles of here. Well, Green Bay has only just reached that level of civility as a B&N is rising out of the dust across […]

Poetica Collab “Hope Poem”

The theme for this month’s Poet-Collab assignment is “Hope”. 1995-2001 The children’s cancer ward has visiting hours from six until eight on weeknights All day on Saturday Children who look like CasperWhose first words read were ‘radiation’ ‘x-ray’ and ‘doctor’ Seen on signs which were passed during long gurney rides Bald heads, white skin, vivid […]

It’s not over until your brother counts the votes

I had a whole entry about the farmer’s market here in town and how I was going to go to it this morning but overslept, but then Internet Explorer ate it and it was gone. And that pisses me right the hell off. It wasn’t that good anyway. Well, better than what you’re reading right […]

Feral Girl raised by wolves desires Rouge Pulp lipstick and some hair gel

I’ve noticed a disturbing trend each morning this summer. Every morning the alarm goes off and I get up and turn it off. Then I flop back into bed or get up, walk through the house, go to the bathroom, then walk back into the bedroom, presumably to get dressed, but instead fall back into […]

Feral Girl raised by wolves desires Rouge Pulp lipstick and some hair

gel I’ve noticed a disturbing trend each morning this summer. Every morning the alarm goes off and I get up and turn it off. Then I flop back into bed or get up, walk through the house, go to the bathroom, then walk back into the bedroom, presumably to get dressed, but instead fall back […]

Nothing but a gimmick, baby, just a gimmick

I just returned from the grocery store. Why is there such a thing as Microwave Pork Rinds? Why, in God’s name, why? I’m turning Japanese, I think I’m turning Japanese I really think so. And I’m pretty pissed off about Pearl Harbor, let me tell you! I’m feeling gimmicky…. here’s a poll. Why are you […]

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