Oooh, I found a place to stay for this weekend! Ok, it’s not in Door County, but it has the hot tub, a fireplace, and a deck overlooking the water. So the plan will be to drive up to Door County on Friday and tool around there, then come back to town, do a book shopping spree at our new Barnes & Noble and then retire to the hotel where we will sip wine and lounge by our fireplace. Then Saturday, we’ll go antiquing.
I’m working four ten-hour shifts this week, which is nice because I have Friday off and don’t have to burn a vacation day, but it also sucks for the four days where I am working all the time. I need sleep for about nine to ten hours in the fall/winter months and when I’m at work for eleven hours (including the hour lunch), that leaves about three hours for essentials like showering, eating, pooping, and driving to and from work. Last night, I walked through our front door fifteen minutes into Buffy. Esteban, however, fulfilled his role as Most Perfect Husband In The World when he had the television on and a pizza keeping warm in the oven, which he then plopped in front of me.
I have an acquaintance that stays at home with her child. Honestly, she acts as though she is a supreme martyr for sacrificing her career for the well being of her child, but she has actually never aspired to do anything other than sit on her butt. I don’t know what she does during the day, particularly since her newborn sleeps three out of four hours of the day. Apparently, she is still demanding equal separation of housework and childcare when her husband is home, too.
You know, I’m the first person to admit that I’m a feminist, but that pisses me off. Not so much that she stays home, but she’s using her child as an excuse to be lazy. If one parent is staying home, they should be doing an equal amount of work as the one who is gone 45 hours a week. I don’t care which gender stays home. It’s a partnership and you shouldn’t suck your partner dry in the name of ‘equality’. Sounds pretty uneven to me. I’m totally behind having a parent totally devoted to raising their child or children at home, but, hell, be reasonable. It’s a privilege to get to be such a big part of your child’s life. The person who has to work already has to miss out on big moments in their child’s life because they’re sitting in meetings or stuck on the freeway, don’t screw them in the housework department by robbing them of even more time to spend with their child because you’re too lazy to scrub the toilet.
Speaking of which, my new schedule has left no time for housework and Esteban is working particularly hard as well. The inside of our toilet looks like a Jackson Pollock painting. I may take a picture of it and submit it to a photography contest. I’ve thought about hiring a maid service, but I don’t even have time to pick up our stuff before the maids come. I know you guys are probably reading that and thinking ‘what the fuck?’ but you chicas know what I’m talking about. You don’t want the cleaning people to think you live like Puck from the Real World, even if you really do.
I managed to sneak out on Sunday with my camera and snap a few fall pictures. A man with a gun yelled at me. I think I was frightening the Canada geese away.
We are swamped at work this morning, so I don’t have much time to write a cohesive entry. II asked if we could put a recording on my phone number ‘Have you tried rebooting? Please try rebooting before harassing our technical analysts, dumbass.’ My request was turned down’. Go figure. I’ll try for another entry later today, if possible.