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Six Degrees of Desperation

I’ve become aware of a new disturbing trend. The percentage of readers who actually know me in the real world is growing. At first, only my sister Mo and my friend Markus read this diary. Then Esteban told his friends about it and Joel read something like 150 entries in one sitting. And then everyone in my immediate social circle knew about it. I’m fine with that. Really. I am.

But then they started telling other people. And other people started telling other people. People in Green Bay. People who might share circles with people whose lives I discuss on this page.

Now, I try, I really do try, to respect people’s privacy. I give them pseudonyms. Sometimes not very nice pseudonyms…. like Mafia Grandma. Or Tequila.

I stand behind my opinions and I don’t want to be hypocritical and write nicey nice things about them just to keep the peace.

But at the same time, I really don’t want my drunken mama to find out that I call her my drunken mama. She might throw an empty vodka bottle at me. That would be an Absolut nightmare (heee!).

What I am doing is opening a door to some very personal opinions. I’m putting myself in a precarious position. There’s a lot of trust involved. Everytime I’ve found out about someone new who is reading it, I try to explain to them that I would like them to keep it quiet and that it’s a very sensitive matter, and despite that, more and more Green Bayites seem to know about it. And they’re not accidentally coming across the page. They’re not Googling something and ending up here. They are specifically being told, nay DIRECTED to my page. My so-called friends are outing me, for lack of a better word. Quite frankly, that pisses me off.

I’ve managed to keep a handle on things so far, but the more people who know about the diary, (specifically the more people in the GREEN BAY area who know about it) the higher the liklihood that the wrong person will find out about this diary.

The moment that happens, everything stops. I will delete everything. End of story. There will be no more updates. The door will be closed and locked.

I don’t want to do that. I enjoy this diary. That would mean that not only did something get nasty in my personal relationships, but you will also be ending something that I really enjoy. So keep that in mind. Loose lips sink ships. Or websites. I know it’s not intentional. You might tell someone who is “safe” but then they pass it along to someone who blabs to my Aunt Drusilla. And then I will be in a world of hurt.

Oh, and by the way, I will very easily be able to find out who narked me out.

So don’t be a poopy head. Keep this our little secret, ‘k?

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