Just a quick update before I go…
I am so completely certain that I have forgotten to pack something crucial. Oh, and I have a sneaking suspicion that The Uterus wants to play in San Francisco too. There is a decidedly crampy feeling about my person. Oh well. I refuse to think about it. I will think about it later. And besides, I’ve read that liberal dosages of vodka clear up cramps quite nicely. Or make you forget that you have an abdomen at all.
In other Weetanews: I am not the girl who will be attending the University of Iowa’s graduate program.
I got two thin letters yesterday, one from Iowa and one from Minnesota. Apparently, they had 740 applicants with 25 spots and 400 applicants with 13 spots, respectively. On the plus side, I’ve now got the autograph of a Pulitzer Prize winning author. On my rejection letter. Chauffi commented that it would make for an amusing little anecdote when I accept my own Pulitzer prize. As always, my PA knows exactly the right thing to say. Ah well, I’ve still got two applications out there and I have decided that whatever happens, I will try to get into Iowa again next year. Because this girl will not give up. Nope. Not me.
But I may need a bit more vodka.
Chauffi, once again being a perfect PA, has compiled the following information bulletin:
Many people have expressed an interest in visiting with Weetabix when she arrives in the Bay Area. Below is a sample of her Itinerary.
Arrive in the evening.
Check into Hotel.
Morning Constitutional, involving Starbucks.
Shopping at Devils Corner.
Lunch/Light Meal with Chauffi
Afternoon open for sightseeing.
Dinner w/ Mopie & Jenfu Location: TBD
Morning Constitutional, involving Starbucks
Book Shopping
Cable Car ride to Hard Rock for hat purchase
General Activities
Dinner w/ Asst Internet folks
Morning Constitutional, involving Starbucks
Dim Sum
Check out of Hotel
Visit to South Bay
Leave for Home