Our television in the bedroom is going all hookey and I was lying there in bed, getting extremely frustrated with it, because the only way you can stop it from fizzy shizzy squizzy is to bang it on the side for some temporary relief. But I had just banged it on the side so many times my hand was hurting and I just wanted to watch the TiVo’d Friends episode (which was so completely meh, by the way, but I’m glad that Phoebe is back with Hank Azaria because honestly, he’s so obviously her lobster) so I was getting really grumpy and Esteban heard the racket and came in to investigate and then we proceeded to have a pissy snit at each other wherein he argued that he could swap out the 25 inch for the 20 inch sitting in a spare bedroom (not acceptable because yes, I am spoiled) or we could go out and buy another 25 inch television and then I accused him of wanting to foolishly throw money at a problem rather than taking the time to actually fix it or have one of his friends fix it and then he said he had more money than time right now and everything wasn’t about how lazy he was and then I apologized for taking my frustrations out on him and then he accused me of apologizing just so that he’d go away so that I could watch Friends and that pissed me right off again so we did that ‘Fine!’ ‘Fine!’ ‘FINE!’ (stomp stomp stomp) thing that you always see in romantic comedies which proves how much the main characters really truly belong together forever and ever. But then I heard Esteban tromping back through the house and I thought ‘Oh man, round two? There has to be a round two? No round two!’ but instead he deposited a very disgruntled Tilly next to me and said ‘She got another one.’
I don’t know exactly how she had done it, because she was sleeping peacefully next to Esteban on the sofa when he got up to see what I was beating in the bedroom and our little pissy snit lasted maybe five minutes. She must have just gotten up and went directly into seek and destroy mode. The mouse was dead, so Esteban finally got a chance to do his Man of The House duties. That may be sexist of me, but damnit, if the world is going to give him the societal benefits of having a penis then he can do some stereotypical duties now and then.
Especially when the ishy is involved.
So I think it was the mouse that Tilly’erm’ ‘misplaced’ in my bedroom. Esteban cited that it was very large and the Haley Joel Osment mouse that was exceptionally cute was noticeably larger than the others she had taken out. I had even wondered if perhaps it had just seemed larger because it was alive, but I think it was simply a larger than average mouse. And this is normally the place where I would make a little joke about the size of the mouse, maybe a little metaphor or something, but I’m just too GAH! thinking about it.
You know, for some reason, my inner brain voice keeps wanting to say ‘Hi! Hi! Hi? Hi. Hiiiii!’ I don’t know what that’s all about. Like a song stuck in your head, but instead, it’s a greeting. Hi. Hi. Hi!? Hi? Hi! Hiya! Hi. Hey there. Hi. HI! Is that what the beginning of insanity sounds like?
Scene: Weet and her sister Mo are sitting at their Mom’s house on Mother’s Day, talking amongst themselves while Esteban tries to show Mother how to work every single aspect of her computer.
Weetabix: Did you know that dude is like almost as old as Mom?
Mo: That dude. That Dude? Which DUDE, Weetabix?
Weetabix: That dude’ Stryder’ Aragorn. He was born in THE FIFTIES! I just don’t know where to put that information in the hotness equation.
Mo: Eeesh. Oldness. But he’s so hot in the movies. And in real life? He’s not that hot. His hair is short and light and uck.
Weetabix: But in the movie? Right sexy. When he’s dirty. Dirty equals sexy. Clean? Not so much.
Mo: Yeah’ not so much. It’s depressing.
Weetabix: Legolas? He’s not hot in real life either, but cleanliness works well with him in the movie.
Mo: You’re always about the Legolas.
Weetabix’s Mom: (from the other room) God, you and Legolas.
Weetabix: Because he’s hot!
Weetabix’s Mom: He’s a FAIRY!
Weetabix: He’s not a fairy, he’s an ELF.
Weetabix’s Mom: Humph. Same thing.
Mo & Weetabix: (erupt into laughter)
In other news, I made another drastic hair alteration yesterday. We’re back in Rock Star hair mode, but even more than last summer. My hair has become less a fashion statement and more performance art. In the newest incarnation, the all-over color is a deep Coke Can Red, with blonde streaks alternating with deep coffee bean brown streaks. And in the back, underneath, is a section of just all dark brown, au homage to Debbie Harry. It’s quite dramatic. I don’t have a decent picture of it, but here’s a glimpse of the general wackiness.
This is the Sunday morning Can’t Wash My Hair Yet look. The blonde parts got a little color bleed from my mismanagement of my freshly colored hair (I curled it last night and I’m certain that I inadvertently fused some red onto the blonde) but hopefully that will be resolved when I can wash and properly style it. Also, it was actually raining when I took this picture, so you don’t get the full effects of the contrasts there. Ah well. Performance art hair. Gotta love it.