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In case the URL on yesterday’s entry wasn’t enough to persuade you that the entry was an April Fool’s entry, let me confirm for you now: I still have a job. My uterus is happily vacant. Esteban and I are still firmly ensconced in the ranks of Double Income No Kids.

Ok, the Flirtista Barista part wasn’t fake. He’s really there. However, I did have to change my order (venti soy chai) to decaf so that it would work with the implied baby thing.

High marks to those of you who remembered that I did just experience my lady time and did just tell you all that my job was safe from the riffings.Actually, if you read it closely, I never actually said that I was pregnant. Just that I wanted to be a mommy. Which, actually, I don’t. Except to fictional children, perhaps, who do not require much maintenance and perhaps have fictional nannies as well.

If you notice that I’m posting this hella early, it’s because I have a business day trip today and likely won’t have access to the internet, but I didn’t want anyone to still be confused about yesterday’s entry. Because I love you guys. Love you enough to mess with your heads and now feel a little bit guilty for people who totally believed it. So anyway, that’s why this is brief. And probably disjointed. Because I need to go take a shower, man. And brush my teeth.

In other news, there’s a pseudo-April Fool’s Non Diaryland edition of Quoted up.Chiara foiled her boss. It’s brilliant!

The comments section wants to hear about other April Fool’s pranks that were played on you (or you played on your friends) yesterday.

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