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The Ice Bowl

There’s a storm coming. A big storm. I’m weirdly excited about this storm, more excited than I should be. Sure, I’ve been nervously fretting that there wouldn’t be enough snow for a sleigh ride next weekend (next WEEKEND!!!) and we’d have to be happy with a humdrum hay ride with wheels instead of a glidey smooth sleigh ride with big giant metal runner/blades of death. No, instead, I’m giddy about the impending 10-14 inches as though I’m a porn copywriter. I’m scanning the radar, kvetching that it’s so stupid that you can only see half of Minnesota on some of the maps, when really, the real actions over in the square states. Whichever one is next to Iowa. Those square ones confuse me.

It’s as though I don’t work for a branch office that is famous in our company for never closing and in one tragic episode, remaining open so long that the employees had to buckle down and spend the night in the cafeteria. I think I’d take my chances with the elements rather than brave that scene. While I work with a generous and sweet collective, there are just some things I’d rather never experience, and spending 24 hours in my office building is one of them.

The above was written last night. Since then, the following has happened:

I went to the grocery store and bought unusually sweet and delicious strawberries and then, instead of eating something nutritious for dinner, I ate a dozen smeared with Nutella, straight out of the bubble-packed carton. Fresh strawberries on the eve of a blizzard. I love living in the 21st century.

I actually used the hood on my school girl toggle-button coat while walking in from the parking lot!

The Blizzard is upon us!

My office announced that it was closing at noon. I don’t have to sleep in the cafeteria with Annoying Coworker.

And with that, I am off to brave the elements. I leave you with this delightful webcam that is roughly a mile from my office.

Joke: How do you find a professional football stadium in a blizzard?

Answer: I have to drive right past this to get home, so I’ll let you know how it goes.

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