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Resistance is futile

Between freelance and school and travel and work, there hasn’t been a minute of spare time. The school semester is coming to a close though, which means that I’m desperately trying to catch up on the six papers I procrastinated throughout the last four months, but man, will that be awesome when I don’t have that in the back of my mind.

At work, I’m still going through my big giant hairy deal project, which is now in phase three (so far, so good) as well as doing my normal job. I had some more training this week, all part of that grooming process that seems to be happening with or without my cooperation. We learned about influencing others to do our bidding (although they did not use the word ‘minion’ which was disappointing) and also about win-win situations, which just kept making me laugh and I wanted to add another ‘win’ to the end of it. I am apparently a win-win situation influencer, which means that I want everyone to be happy (in managementese, this means I am a sucker). I surreptitiously take notes throughout the day, feeling myself some kind of peon Jane Goodall. From the notes: ‘someone comments that their underlings are busting their balls. The someone is a chick.’

Part of the training involved some secret feedback gathering in this weird KGB maneuver on the part of the trainers, but hah, it backfired on them because apparently, my clients think I walk on water. That’s actually what the trainer said when she talked about my scores. ‘Walk on water.’ That’s because fat floats. My favorite bit was the section for potential improvements, by which my clients took another opportunity to heap praises upon me, ranging from ‘Send Weet out to Visit Us! We want to take her out for drinkies!’ to ‘I think that Weetabix should impart her knowledge to as many other people as possible that work for (her employer), because if she ever does leave, (her employer) would be destroyed. I hope the company realizes that she is the heart, core and foundation of their entire business and compensate her appropriately.’ (direct quote, except that I don’t go by Weetabix professionally, and whoops, I just revealed accidentally that I actually work for (Her Employer), Inc.) You know that I read that to my boss the very next second I saw her, all the while wiggling my eyebrows. Fear me, mortal boss, for I have the ability to take down multimillionaire global companies simply with the power of my MIND. Or maybe I have death rays? Man, I hope that client thinks I have death rays.

Esteban and my fourteen days of estrangement due to a bad scheduling nightmare. He actually racked up so many miles so far this year that he has status on two different airlines, which is somewhat impressive considering that it’s only May. He was in San Francisco last weekend (yes, while I was there the previous weekend’the universe is funny that way) and I rediscovered that apparently my single girl breaking point is exactly 7.5 days. How quickly we forget. If I am a very lucky girl, he is at home right now, making a pot of his incredible spaghetti sauce for our dinner. Fingers crossed.

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