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Zombies need not apply

Apparently, I am a bit brain damaged, and let me tell you why. You see, ever since April when I made plans to spend Halloween in San Francisco, I have been plotting my Halloween costume, vacillating between Ursula the Sea Witch and something cute that wouldn’t make me feel uncomfortable about my arm flab or involve three quarts of lavender body paint. But the perfect Halloween costume is a toughy and to think of something that will work in the fabulous confines of San Francisco’s Halloween scene? The bar is up there in the heavens. Some time around June, I decided that yes, damn it, I was going to be something cute, something pink and sparkly, something I love with all my heart and that makes me go squee when I think no one is watching.

So, the pink and sparkly costume was decided upon, and I then focused on gathering components from near and far. This involved a lot of Ebay, a lot of internet ordering (including another very cute dress from the aforementioned Igigi. After posting the last entry, I realized that I probably own more Igigi clothes than from any other internet-based site, which was kind of amazing but probably speaks more to the fact that when I find something that works, I buy several versions of the same thing in different colors, so I own three versions of this dress and two versions of this skirt, for instance. By the way, in case you missed it, the awesome Ozlem from Igigi left a comment with the 10% off code WRAP in case you needed an excuse to snag up some cute and curvy designs for yourself. Or, you know, three versions of their wrap dress, because seriously, you will thank me when it falls out of your suitcase and looks perfect after a fifteen hour flight and then you’ll thank me again when you put it on, because it is a very good dress) and trips to various costume shops looking for wigs and more trips to fabric stores where I had arguments with women wearing smocks who were trying to tell me that an ivory marabou boa was a white marabou boa. Whatever, smock lady, but just try to tell that to the rest of my white accessories, ok?

This is probably too much a window into my soul, I can see this now. But it’s too late to stop.

That’s not the brain damaged part. No, the brain damaged part is here: after talking with Jake, we came up with the most awesome Halloween costume ever, a concept that was even better than our admittedly awesome Halloween costumes already in progress. And we moaned that we’d already started and waaah, why aren’t there two Halloweens? Except, well, there are, because there’s the Saturday night before Halloween and there’s actual Halloween proper. So naturally, we had to do both costumes. Two costumes each for Halloween. I think that in the beginning, we weren’t really serious, or rather, his original costume and my half of this new costume weren’t that difficult to pull together, so it’s not like it was pushing it that much, right? Right? Except that’s when I started really thinking about the second costume and decided, man, what I needed was some kind of rocking jacket. With feathers. Ostrich feathers and black rhinestones. But where would one buy such a jacket, specifically a rocking jacket adorned with ostrich feathers and black rhinestones in my size?

One doesn’t. One Project Runways that bitch, that’s what one does.

This is where one might also look into treatment for the brain damage.

So more trips to fabric stores, but now with searching through pattern books and flipping through fabric bins and trying to explain to the ivory-come-lately smock lady that you want OSTRICH FEATHERS in black or it just won’t do. That’s when you open the first pattern that you bought and see that it requires DARTS and you have no idea how exactly one achieves darting because the construction montages at Parsons always go way too fast. That’s when you have utter and complete despair in the rhinestone aisle at Hobby Lobby because black rhinestones are apparently close to extinction and the only breeding pairs are in the possession of one Mister Kayne Gillaspie.

Yeah, so I have no idea how this ostrich contraption is going to come together, but the pink sparkly costume? Is going to be fabulous.

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