Sundays blend into every other day. Is it like that for you too? We’ve tried to maintain somewhat of a similar Sunday plan of attack — well, not really attack, more like a roll over and surrender. The Before Time involved a trip to Starbucks, maybe a stop out for brunch, or a trip across […]
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We started out the day with a trip to the dry cleaner — or rather, the storefront with a locker system where you drop off your drycleaning. There’s no one actually staffing the storefront — it’s basically like a bus stop for sweaters and dirty suits. Eventually the dry cleaning elves send you a text […]
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In my efforts to use up stuff in my beauty unguent collection, I managed to kill two bottles/tubs and one is probably going into the bin tomorrow, so I take that as a win. Last night my prediction about skipping dinner came to fruition — I ended up nomming on chips and queso dip, supplemented […]
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Last night, another successful night with Ole sleeping off the bed and honestly, I got a great night’s sleep for once, so I’m thrilled too. Avi chose to sleep on the couch instead of coming to bed, which meant there wasn’t even a single 25 pound dog blocking various legs or trapping you under the […]
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Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Do you ever have one of those days where you think back and say “what the heck did I even get accomplished today?” — that is what today feels like. Esteban had a bad night’s sleep and gave up on lying down at 3:30 am to go sit on the couch and watch YouTube videos […]
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I missed updating the blog yesterday because between Sunday and Monday I spent literally 20 hours trying to get my dissertation to the correct format for the Graduate College to accept. Oh my god, it’s complicated, but the worst thing? They literally made separate document in PDF for each step of the process, by subject, […]
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Apparently everyone is baking right now, and according to my Instagram feed, everyone is replacing their weekly brunch outings for pancakes made at home. I love pancakes. They are one of my favorite breakfasts, but alas I also suffer from flutter tummy ailments and as I’ve gotten older, pancakes are generally one of the things […]
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Last night we tried Mister Ole off bed again. He’s good about sleeping next to the bed but without fail, every time he has a good night sleeping, he still ends up having a potty regression in the house at some point the next day. Also, when I woke up, I took them both outside […]
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Every holiday season I coordinate a long-distance holiday card exchange with folks who love getting and sending holiday cards. Several participants asked for some additional joy. They miss the delight of opening the mailbox — and let’s face it, with nowhere to go, it’s a nice little delight to punctuate the day. So here it […]
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My lunker day kind of is turning into a lunker week. I’m finding it exceptionally difficult to rally and honestly to care about stuff. I don’t know why the fellowship thing is bugging me as much as it is — I guess maybe because I had allowed myself to imagine it and to believe the […]
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