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Monthly Archives: June 2001

Fair good, sweat bad

Am very tired. Can only write in incomplete sentences. Ate the perfect lemon merangue pie. Sweated. Watched jousting. Not all it’s cracked up to be. Sweated. Fair ran out of water at 1:00 pm. 98 degrees. Lots of clothes. Sweated. Joel annoyed me. Just got home. Hate Chevy Blazers. Very small. Must go to sleep […]

Journey to the center of Mulletdom

Did you know that I’m just a small town girl living in a lonely world? And I’m going to see JOURNEY, baby!!! Woooooooo!!!!! MULLET ROCK!!!! I’m so stoked! Carissa and I are going together. It’s the only concert we could possibly both attend and enjoy. We are polar opposites when it comes to music. Much […]

Is you is or is you ain’t my Savior?

Today I overslept because I stayed up so late last night, bawling and being somber. I basically slapped some flesh-colored putty on my face, threw on some clothes (including pants from the ‘dirty’ pile, god help me) and raced out the door. I made it to work on time, however I have chipped Mood nail […]

Feeling sadness is not necessarily a bad thing

Please prepare yourself for a stereotypical diary entry, full of angst or whatever. Really a downer. Just so you are fully warned before proceeding….. Throcky’s cat is being euthanized today. I read her latest entry and my heart fell into my stomach. I felt so bad, felt her hurt so much. The hell that I […]

Mattel introduces Slutty ‘Ho Barbie!

My sister and I went shopping for shoes. She found a pair of leopard print mule sandals for $5. Size 8 ‘ wide. ‘Do you wear a wide shoe? Is that the right size?’ I asked. ‘No,’ she says, ‘I wear a size 8 ‘ regular’. But the wide fits better.’ Um, doesn’t that mean […]

More Fart humor at Casa Weetabix

Last night, Esteban and I had another of our famous fart discussions: He called me a ‘Farty Poop’ I countered with a scathing ‘Little Farty Poo Poo’ A bit taken aback, Esteban hurled ‘Farty Boom Boom’ Non-daunted, I parried. ‘Fartadoplious Pooptopolous’ I then inundated him with a bunch of fart expressions. Until I cracked up […]

Poet-Collab: Tea Poem

I’ve joined the Poet-Collab ring here at Diaryland, after I was inspired by Eloi. Inspired in a good way. Not a ‘I can do this better’ way. Just so you know, Eloi. Anywhoo, here’s my entry. This months subject is TEA. I don’t know if I had to explain that or not. I’m totally just […]

SUBLIMINAL {new} MESSAGES {bra} REVEALED {needed}!!!

I am so pissed. Today, one of the underwires in one of my new bras gave up the fight. Yep. Around 3:15 pm at work, suddenly SPRIONG! in the armpit. And it was one of my favorites, too. A retro bra that made the girls do this little pointy thing, like I was a 1940’s […]

Monkey Bars 1, Small Child 0, Weetabix -342

Guess who’s the single worst Aunt in all of Auntiedom? That would be me. Yesterday, my sister picked me up as we were going to take Abby, who graces yon banner ad below, to the park. I grabbed my camera and off we went. We were in the park nary five minutes before Abby decides […]

Don’t call Chez Weetabix before 10 AM on the weekend, ‘k?

I will never again sleep past 8:00 A.M. in the morning. It’s been determined by someone. I don’t know who. I suspect the kitchen sink may be behind it. This morning, 8:00 A.M. The phone. Again. Don’t know who it was, didn’t answer it. Then Clunk KerCHUNK Clunk KerCHUNK! from outside. Our newly-divorced neighbor apparently […]

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