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Uber-chocolate and uber-angst

So yesterday was rather uneventful. Esteban and went to our favorite little bagel shop, where I got a sun dried tomato & parmesan bagel and a grande hot cocoa, Esteban got his plain bagel with green olive cream cheese (arrrgh, how anyone can eat that is beyond me!) and Stewart’s fountain cherry soda. We then drove to the little park where I used to hang out as an adolescent and proceeded to nosh on our brunch in quiet contentment. My cocoa was uber-chocolatey, even after I stirred in the whipped cream on the top. After awhile, it started to taste so chocolaty and sweet and it was only “Tepid Cocoa”, not really Hot Cocoa. It was like a man made entirely of chocolate took a big chocolate dump into a cup, slapped a cardboard hand protector on it, and sold it for $3.15 a glass.

Then we went back home and watched the Packer game. I was in a strange head place because I’m a total Packer fan, but on my fantasy football team, my favorite point-earner for my team, The Congested Hedgehogs is Keshawn Johnson for Tampa Bay. So I was torn…. I wanted Tampa Bay to get a touchdown, as long as it was with my man Keshawn and only if it wasn’t going to put them ahead of the Packers, unless that meant that the Packers would counter with a field goal with my kicker, Ryan Longwell. It was all confusing and at one point, I was so internally torn I had to stop watching and go purchase Esteban some antiperspirant for his trip.

He’s leaving for Denver today (home of another one of my players, Duane Carswell) and I will be very sad. I’m a little nervous about the whole flying thing for him…. This will be his first business trip since Sept. 11, but in the same vein, I’m certain that the terrorists will not pull the same trick twice, choosing rather to hit us in a new place that we didn’t realize was vulnerable. Esteban hasn’t mentioned any misgivings about traveling, although he did state that any terrorist who tried to pull anything on a flight that he was on would be very sorry indeed. Given that Esteban is six foot two, extremely solid, and looks menacing to those who do not know him (and some who do), I tend to agree with him.

As I write this, Esteban is in the shower, getting ready to leave for the airport. I hate it when he travels. He doesn’t like to travel either. I don’t mind so much being alone but I miss him terribly when he’s gone. No one rubs my back for me; no one tells me I’m pretty. On the plus side, I get to sleep on his side of the bed all night and drool upon his pillow with wild abandon, so there are plus sides too.

Today, I had to sit through four hours of ‘training’ on a new software release that I will be supporting as of Monday. This was our first look at the software and we won’t actually get our hands on it until one day before the users get it. Nice. At one point, they were demonstrating a new feature and I started asking questions about it’ does the feature go away if you do this? Does it come back if you refresh it? And the look on the programmers’ faces’ every time I’d ask a question, they’d say ‘Let’s see what it does’ because they obviously didn’t have a fucking clue. After my eighth question about functionality, one of them looked at me and said in mock seriousness which was halfway serious, ‘Give us a break! We just added this function!’. Excuse me? So you don’t test it or supply functionality across all dimensions? HULLO???!?!?!

Esteban chided me the other day for not taking a more steady approach to my writing. He figures that this diary is my sole creative outlet, which it guiltily is. He asked me ‘So do it unless your life’s ambition is to learn all there is to know about Windows XP?’

And he’s so right. I’ve got to write more fiction. I don’t want to be explaining what a tilde is or a backslash for the rest of my days. While this diary has been an excellent exercise in willpower and discipline, it’s been lousy for actual creative process.

Note to self: fix that.

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