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The biggest spoiler of them all!!!!

I’m feeling all spoilery. I succumbed to spoiler temptation with Buffy because I just had to know what was going to happen between her and Spike. I am such the spoiler whore. Once I start, I just can’t stop.

For instance, Soylent Green is people. There. I’ve said it. It’s people and they are eating the people. Can we hear it for ‘YUCK!’

Here’s another one: the girl is really a guy. And another: Inge is really a Nazi who slept with Indiana Jones’s father, Sean Connery.

Phew. Hey, this feels good.

Here are some more:

<*>The boat sinks’ Jack dies, Rose doesn’t and keeps the big necklace.

<*>The killer is Jamie Gumm.

<*>Kristin shot J.R.

<*>Woody saves Buzz Lightyear and they become friends.

<*> The T.Rex doesn’t eat Jeff Goldblum.

<*> The fat lady dies and they burn the house.

<*> The head vampire was the video storeowner, Max.

<*> When the end of the world comes, instead of killing each other, they kiss.

<*> She had the power to go home all the time.

<*> The guy in the black plastic mask is Luke’s father.

<*> The Smoking Man is Samantha’s father.

<*> She leaves Rick and goes off with her Czech resistance fighter husband.

<*> Rhett leaves Scarlett after schtupping the snot out of her. Melanie dies.

<*> His neighbor shoots him because the neighbor is homophobic.

<*> Keyser Soze is the limping guy.

<*> The killer is the guy dressed up as his mother.

<*> The police chief was corrupt.

<*> They blow up the shark.

<*> Ross is the father of Rachel’s baby.

<*> Shirley gets married to someone other than The Big Ragu.

<*> Gwyneth gets her head cut off.

<*> Everyone killed Mr. Body.

<*> They kill everyone before they get old to maintain a perfect society.

<*> Malcolm McDowell kills Kirk.

<*>Wesley is the Dread Pirate Roberts.

<*>Tyler Durden is the Narrator.

<*>The alien didn’t kill her because she’s carrying an alien inside of her.

<*> John Malkovich finds out that they’re being him and yells at them.

<*> The kid sees dead people and he’s the only one who sees Bruce Willis’. Get it?

<*> The Nazis force them all to run to America, but first they sing ‘Edelweiss’ on stage together.

<*>Salieri didn’t really kill Mozart but he thinks he did.

<*> All work and no play makes Jack a little cranky and axe happy.

<*> Commodus kills Maximus’ and Maximus kills Commodus.

<*> It was Robbie the waiter who got Penny pregnant, but Johnnie got fired from Kellerman’s anyway.

<*> Sandy and Danny end up together in a flying car.

<*> Ferris gets back home in the nick of time and his parents never know he skipped school.

<*> Even though Old Man Potter stole the money, all of George’s friends come through and donate a ton of cash to save him and Clarence gets his wings.

<*> He falls and becomes human, but she dies and leaves him alone.

<*> The killer is Jason’s mom.

<*> The killer is her boyfriend and his party guy friend.

<*> The little kid bests the two inept burglars and his mom finds her way back home.

<*> The spider dies after saving the pig.

<*> The amp goes up to 11.

<*> The boys find the body but don’t turn it in

<*> After playing ‘Puck’ in Midsummer’s Night Dream, he kills himself

<*> The guy escapes jail by crawling through a hole he hid behind a pinup poster of Rita Hayworth.

<*> The girl falls in love with the beast and the servants are no longer serving ware.

<*> The deer accept his physical deformity and Abominable snowmen bounce.

<*> The lion cub returns as a fully-grown lion and defeats the evil uncle and his hyena henchmen.

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